Monday, September 22, 2008

Ohnishi Shrine, 2001-2002

Ohnishi Shrine is dedicated to the airmen and aircrews of both the Amnericans and Japanese who died in air battle during WWII. The area was used to be the headquarters of Admiral Takijirio Ohnishi of the Japanese First Air Fleet and later of the Combined Naval Air Forces commanded by Admiral Fukutome; from November 1944 to January 11, 1945. It was researched by Rhonie Dela Cruz as to the authenticity of historical data and provided by aide of Ohnishi, Mr. Moji Chikanori, formerly a commander in rank in the Japanese Navy. The two tunnels, the headquarters of Ohnishi and Fukutome and the Communication Tunnel were located and identified. Lighting were provided and an exhibit was established inside the tunnels. The shrine is maintained by Mr. Dionisio Manipon who owns the land where the site is located.

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